Executive Summary
Power sector is very important and
sensitive side for any county for its industrial thus economical development.
But, from the beginning of Bangladesh, this country is facing numerous problems
in power sector. Among them the main problem is lack of generation of power.
Day after day the demand is increasing but the generation of power is not
increased so much. As a result, loadsheeding is occurring frequently. Power
system is now dependent on weather. If temperature is high then loadsheeding
occur frequently. This is the situation when only 49% people are under
electricity facility. New industries and households are not getting electric
connection because of small power production. In the history of Bangladesh
maximum generation of electricity in one day is 5125 MW [1]. But the demand of
power is more than 6000 MW according to Bangladesh power development board
(BPDB) and the actual demand is near about 8000 MW [2]. In this situation
development in power sector is urgent. In this field Ashuganj power station Company
limited played an important role in generation of power from 1964. Now it is
the second largest power company in Bangladesh. The company is taken numerous
development program for increase its generation which is the demand of time.
Our internship in APSCL (Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited), found the generation and distribution on the practical field
of power sector. Through this internship we got the opportunity to work as a
member of a team which was involved in Generator section, transformer section,
steam turbine, Gas turbine and combine cycle power plant. The generation of
electricity is one of the most complex processes in the world. After a lot of
steps completion we generate it and supply it to the grid.
We gathered some experience
in generator protection. We also had some experience to control a largest power
plant working in the control room with the help of our superintendent engineer.
On the complication of this internship we can relate the practical experience
with the theoretical experience in power sector. In our internship we have
gathered lots of knowledge about many real life problems.
1.1. Introduction:
Bangladesh it has become a great challenge to provide continuous supply of
electricity. In our country presently only 49% of the total populations have
access to electricity, which is very poor comparing with even other developing
countries. Bangladesh government has given highest priority in the Power Sector
development and is committed to make electricity available to all by 2021.
The main reason for the power crisis
is the shortage of supply. Demand is never meet by supply. Generation of power
needs to be increased transferred to the desired distribution centers of power.
Overall improvement of power sector requires huge investment. For this reason
Bangladesh government is appealing foreign and private investors to invest
through vision and policy guideline, making reform and restructure and by
giving fiscal incentives. So investment opportunities in Bangladesh power
sector are promising for private sector and foreign investors.
1.2. Company Profile:
Ashuganj Power Station is the second
largest power station in Bangladesh. At present the total capacity of its 8
units is 642 MW. Ashuganj Power Station fulfills about 15% of loads through the
“To generate electric power and
dispatch same through transmission line of PGCB Ltd. and ultimately to BPDB and
to utilize available resources and capacity so that it can contribute towards
the national economy through increasing generation of power aiming at
maximization of net worth of the Company”.
“To ensure long-term uninterrupted supply of quality
power to the consumers in future”[3].
“To carry out the business of electric power
generation and supply and sell of electricity thus produced to Bangladesh Power
Development Board through National Grid for the purposes of meeting the need of
electric power, and for all other purposes for which electric energy can be
1.2.1. Background of Ashuganj Power Station
In 1966 the then government decided to setup a power
station in Ashuganj. Ashuganj is situated near Titas Gas Field and at the bank
of the river Meghna. So it was the most favorable place for power station
because of availability of natural resources for power generation. For this
purpose about 311 acre land at the 1 kilometer north-east away from the Meghna
Railway Bridge was acquired.
In the same year with the financial assistance of German Government the
establishment work of two units each of 64 MW (Unit 1 & Unit 2) started. These two units were commissioned
in July 1970. M/S BBC (Germany) and M/S Babcock & Wilcox (Germany) supplied
the turbo-generator and boiler equipment. These two units played an important
role in post-liberation war economic development in Bangladesh.
To face the growing requirements for power in the
country- Government of Bangladesh decided to setup another two units (Unit 3 & Unit 4) each of 150 MW
capacities in Ashuganj. IDA, KfW (Germany), ADB, Kuwait and OPEC provided the
financial assistance for this project. Contracts had been made for supplying
and installation of turbo-generator, boiler and other main equipments for these
two units with M/S BBC (Germany), M/S IHI (Japan), M/S KDC (Korea) and M/S PCC
After the agreements signing with the contractors, government found
that another unit of 150 MW can be established from the left over funds by the
donors. With the consent from the donors, Government decided to setup another
150 MW unit (Unit 5).
The work for installation of Unit 3 & 4 was started in 1984 and Unit 5 in 1985. Unit 3,
Unit 4 and Unit 5 were commissioned in December 1986, May 1987 and March 1988
During the planning of installation of Unit 3 & 4 it was decided to install a Combined Cycle Power
Plant by financial assistance of British Government. According to that
decision, works of two gas turbine units (GT1 & GT2) of 56 MW each and one steam turbine unit (ST1) of capacity 34 MW (with waste
heat recovery Boiler) had been started. GT1, GT2 and CCST were commissioned in
1982, 1984 and 1986 respectively. [3]
1.2.2. Formation of the Company
As a part of the Power Sector Development & Reform
Program of Government of Bangladesh (GOB), APSCL has been incorporated under
the Companies Act 1994. APSCL has been registered in the office of the Register
of the Joint Stock Companies & Firms of Bangladesh on 28 June 2000. Through
a Provisional Vendor’s Agreement APSCL Management has taken over all assets
& liabilities of APS Complex consisting of the following assets and
Total Assets: Tk. 1605,76,00,000
Total Liabilities: Tk. 1486,10,00,000
Equity of BPDB: Tk. 119,66,00,000
The Registration No. of APSCL is 40630 (2328)/2000
dated 28.06.2000. According to the Articles of Association of the company, 51%
of total shares is held by BPDB and the rest 49% is distributed among Ministry
of Finance, Ministry of Planning, Power Division, MOPEMR & Energy Division,
MOPEMR of GOB. [4]
Authorized Capital: Tk. 1500, 00, 00,000
Paid up Capital: Tk. 10, 00,000
1.2.3 Number of Generator and their Production
of fuel per
1.1: Number of Generator and their Production Capacity
in APSCL [3]
1.2.4 Present Situation of Generation
SL No.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
of Turbo-
69.6Mva 13.8 Kv
Mva 13.8 Kv
Mva 13.8 kv
80 Mva 11.0 kv |
80 Mva 11.0 kv
Germany 190 Mva
15.75 kv |
Germany 190 Mva
15.75 kv |
Germany 190 Mva
15.75 kv |
to date ,
Factor %,
Efficiency %
1.2: Present Situation of Generation from the
generators of APSCL. [3]
1.2.5 Company at a Glance

1.3. Objective of the Internship
The objective of this internship is
to gather practical knowledge and experience and implementation of theoretical
study in real world. To this regard this report is contemplating the knowledge
and experience accumulated from the internship program. With the set guidelines
by the EEE Department of East West University and our internship Supervisor,
this report comprises of an organization part and a project part. The prime
objective of the organization part is to present a background and introduction
of APSCL. And the project part deals with the operation of Steam, Gas, Combine
Cycle and Substation of APSCL.
1.4. Sources and Methods of Data Collection:
For prepare this report mostly
primary information is used. However, secondary sources are also used in some
- Primary Information: The primary source of information is hand on experience that we achieved in APSCL. Notes, lectures, sketches, diagrams, templates that are found in APSCL are the primary source of information.
- Secondary Information: The
secondary source of information is based on Internet Searching, Reference
Books etc.
2.1 Detail of Internship Work
Steam Generating Power Plant
In the APSCL, There are five units and five generators in the generating power plant. Which are given bellow-UnitsGeneratorsProduction1-222*64MW = 128 MW3-4-533*150 MW= 450 MW2.1: Production Capacity According to the UnitsIn the APSCL, fuel is burned to generate heat. This heat is used to heat water and create steam. Then the steam rises through a turbine which transfers the thermal energy of the steam to mechanical energy. This turbine is attached to a generator and the rotating of the turbine leads to the generation of electricity in the generator.The Nameplate Data of Generator-3 is given bellow-Rated speed3000 rpmFrequency50 HzVoltage15750 V 5Armature current6965 A3~ INS.class F [class F- 165oc]Rotor weight42.31 tonStator weight176.0 tonExcitation voltage323 V( at full load) 210 V (at no load)Over speed3600 rpmPower factor0.8Output190000 KVACooling air inlet43ocNumber of pole2Direction of rotation clock wise from driven and energy constant= 1.5 KWs/KVA2.2: The Nameplate Data of Generator-3 (which is given by the Brown Boveri Company)1.1. Working Principle of Generator
In the APSCL power plant, gas is used as a fuel for producing the steam by concluding the some steps in the boiler section. After ending the boiler section we get heat energy. The heat energy is used to run the turbine. After finishing some steps in the turbine section, we get the mechanical energy. Turbine is coupled with generator. So mechanical energy goes to the generator and generator produce electrical energy. The block diagram of Power Generation Process in the generating power plant is given bellow-Figure 2.1: Power Generation Process of Generator DivisionAll of these functions of the boiler, turbine and generator are discused bellow-1.1.1. Boiler
There are five boiler in the APSCL of generating power plant. Here in the boiler section we produce the steam and it is used to run the turbine. Among five boilers, one boiler is shown bellow-Figure 2.2: Boiler (unit-3 which capacity is 150 MW)1.1.2. Water Filter House
High purity feed water reduces the use of boiler chemicals because boiler blow down is required less frequently with clean feed. This also results in lower fuel cost. Scale buildup is reduced due to a smaller absorption of impurities in the boiler feed water which polluted heat transfer surfaces. The lower level of impurities not only reduces corrosion rates in the boiler, but also reduces the erosion of the turbine blades. In the APSCL water filtering systems are designed to produce high purity feed water from many different water sources. For special applications, these systems can be combined with ion exchangers for more polishing of the feed water and de-gasifies to lower the oxygen content of the feed water in the APSCL.Figure 2.3: 2 stages water purifying basin (is used to reduce the dust from the river water)1.1.3. Water Treatment Tank
Feed water for boilers needs to be as pure as possible with a minimum of reasonable solids and dissolved impurities which cause corrosion, foaming and water carryover. Various chemical treatments have been employed over the years in the APSCL, the most successful being De-hydronization treatment. This contains a foam modifier that acts as a filtering blanket on the surface of the water that considerably purifies steam quality.1.1.4. De-Hydronization
Dehydrogenation is an endothermic euuilibrium reaction. The process is about the decreasing pressure and increasing temperature. In general process temperature will increase with decreasing carbon number to maintain conversion at a pressure. Actually it is an improved process for the production of styrene through dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene in the presence of steam at high temperatures, comprising-Ø Recovering heat of condensation normally lost during separation of the various components of the dehydrogenation reaction overflow, especially of ethyl benzene from styrene, without need or use of a compressor.Ø And using such heat to vaporize an dissolved feed water mixture of ethyl benzene and intensity of water that is introduced into the dehydrogenation reactor, probably at about atmospheric pressure, thereby obviating the need to use steam to vaporize the liquid ethyl benzene feed and also enabling much of the thinner steam needed as sensible heat for the dehydrogenation reaction to be generated from water.1.1.5. Water Tube
We are engaged in offering a quality range of Water tube boiler that is used for high pressure boilers. Water tube boiler is a type of boiler in which water circulates in tubes that is heated externally by the fire. The fuel is burned inside the furnace, creating hot gas which heats water in the steam generating tubes. Our range of water boilers are easy to install and take apart and are highly efficient.Some of the outstanding features of Water tube boiler are given bellow:Ø Boilers drum design.Ø Covering wall furnace construction.Ø Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (5 TPH to 100 TPH)that is 10.5 to 87 kgs/cmØ Steam temperature up to 2800° C to 3200° C.Figure 2.4: General construction of water tube boiler [8]1.1.6. Ash Pit
Exhausts reheat space of the main combustion chamber, where temperature reaches about 2000° F serves also as an ash pit that means ash pit is added (working temp. 2100° F) in the steel bottom of the burning chamber ceramic and additionally covered by unmanageable concrete.1.1.7. Furnace
A furnace is a device used for heating. The term furnace can also refer to a direct fired heater, used in boiler applications for providing heat to chemical a reaction. The heat energy to fuel a furnace is supplied directly by fuel combustion, by electricity such as the electric arc furnace or through induction heating in induction furnaces.1.1.8. Pressure Gauge
Instrumentation on a boiler is very important to help trained workers evaluate boiler performance. In the APSCL, Most of this data is measured by pressure gauges which are given bellow-Pressure gauges are used to determine:Ø Steam PressureØ Feed water PressureØ Gas PressureFigure 2.5:Meter for measuring the different types of pressure [11]Pressure may be recorded as gauge pressure or as absolute pressure. Gauge pressure is the pressure above that of the atmosphere. Absolute pressure is the pressure above zero pressure, equal to gauge pressure plus the atmospheric pressure. At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi (which means that a column of air one square inch in area rising from the Earth's atmosphere to space weighs 14.7 pounds.). Pressure gauges include many pressure measurement devices including bellows, Bourdon tubes, capsule elements and diaphragm element gages in the APSCL of boiler section.1.1.9. Safety Tank
Many steam engines possess boilers that are pressure vessels that contain a great deal of potential energy. Steam explosions can and have caused great loss of life in the past. While variations in standards may exist in different countries, stringent legal, testing, training and certification is applied to try to minimize or prevent such occurrences.Failure modes include:Ø Over pressurization of the boiler.Ø Insufficient water in the boiler causing overheating and vessel failure.Ø Pressure vessel failure of the boiler due to inadequate construction or maintenance.1.1.10. Feed Water Pump
A boiler feed water pump is a specific type of pump used to pump feed water into a steam boiler. The water may be freshly supplied or returning condensate produced as a result of the condensation of the steam produced by the boiler. These pumps are normally high pressure units that take suction from a condensate return system and can be of the centrifugal pump type or positive displacement type. Feed water pumps range in size up to many horsepower and the electric motor is usually separated from the pump body by some form of mechanical coupling. Large industrial condensate pumps may also serve as the feed water pump. In either case, to force the water into the boiler, the pump must generate sufficient pressure to overcome the steam pressure developed by the boiler. This is usually accomplished through the use of a centrifugal pump. Feed water pumps sometimes run intermittently and are controlled by a float switch or other similar level sensing device energizing the pump when it detects a lowered liquid level in the boiler. The pump then runs until the level of liquid in the boiler is substantially increased. Some pumps contain a two stages switch. As liquid lowers to the trigger point of the first stage, the pump is activated. If the liquid continues to drop (perhaps because the pump has failed, its supply has been cut off or exhausted, or its discharge is blocked) the second stage will be triggered. This stage may switch off the boiler equipment (preventing the boiler from running dry and overheating) trigger an alarm or both. Another common form of feed water pumps run constantly and are provided with a minimum flow device to stop over pressuring the pump on low flows. The minimum flow usual returns to the tank or deaerator (a deaerator is a device that is widely used for the removal of air and other dissolved gases from the feed water to steam generating boilers) [07].1.1.11. Condenser
Having an available steam boiler puts you most of the way through the water distillation process. Distilled water is condensed water vapor. In capturing a portion of the steam from the boiler and collecting it as distilled water. How it will be worked is discussed bellow-Working principle of condenserCondensing boilers are highly efficient boilers that have much lower fuel and running costs than conventional boilers. Condensing boilers offer tangible benefits by:Ø Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and helping to combat global warming.Ø Improving household efficiency thus reducing fuel bills.They work on the principle of recovering as much as possible of the waste heat which is normally rejected to the atmosphere from the flue of a conventional (non-condensing) boiler. This is accomplished by using an extra-large heat exchanger or sometimes two heat exchangers within the boiler which maximizes heat transfer from the burner as well as recovering useful heat which would normally be lost with the flue gases. When in condensing mode (as condensing boilers do not condense all the time) the flue gases give up their ‘latent heat’ which is recovered by the heat exchanger within the boiler and used to preheat the return water, as illustrated in the diagram. As a result the temperature of the gases leaving the flue of a condensing boiler is typically 50-60°C compared with 120-180°C in a current non-condensing boiler. At the same time an amount of water or ‘condensate’ is produced. A condensing boiler will always have a better operating efficiency than a conventional non-condensing one, due to its larger and more efficient heat exchanger. The highest efficiency numbers occur when very cold return temperatures are combined with the ability of the boiler to reduce its firing rate by modulating or staging. Under optimum conditions, reduced firing rate efficiency of condensing boilers can exceed 95% [5].1.2. Turbine
A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. The simplest turbines have one moving part, a rotor assembly, which is a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades, or the blades react to the flow, so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor. Early turbine examples are windmills and wheels. Gas, steam, and water turbines usually have a casing around the blades that contains and controls the working fluid.1.2.1. Working Principle of Turbine
The heat energy is used to run the low pressure turbine (LPT) and the intermediate pressure turbine (IPT). Next high pressure turbine (HPT) is run by the help of low pressure and intermediate pressure turbine. Next generator rotor is run by the help of the pressure of HPT. At the end of this stage mechanical energy is produced. This energy is used to run the generator and the output of the generator gives us electrical energy. We get 6.6MW power from the generator output. How the low pressure turbine, intermediate pressure turbine and high pressure turbine work? Discussed bellow-Figure 2.6: High Pressure Turbine (is used to run the rotor)Turbine section of the APSCL, reaction turbine is used as a low pressure turbine and impulse turbine is used as a high pressure turbine. The reaction turbine and intermediate pressure turbine help the impulse turbine to run the rotor blades themselves are arranged to form convergent nozzles. This type of turbine makes use of the feedback force produced as the steam accelerates through the nozzles formed by the rotor. Steam is directed onto the rotor by the fixed vanes of the stator. It leaves the stator as a jet that fills the entire circumference of the rotor. The steam then change direction and increases its speed relative to the speed of the blades. A pressure drop occurs across both the stator and the rotor, with steam accelerating through the stator and decelerating through the rotor, with no net change in steam velocity across the stage but with a decrease in both pressure and temperature, reflecting the work performed in the driving of the rotor [6].1.2.2. Turbine Efficiency
To maximize turbine efficiency the steam is expanded, doing work, in a number of stages. These stages are characterized by how the energy is extracted from them and are known as either impulse or reaction turbines. Most steam turbines use a mixture of the reaction and impulse designs: each stage behaves as either one or the other, but the overall turbine uses both.1.3. Equipments of Generator
Figure 2.7: Generator (Brown Boveri Company) of APSCL1.3.1. De Humidity Fire
It is used for the absorbing of moisture when generator will be off. If moisture is inside the generator then the generator will be faulted. The absorb body of dehumidifier will absorbed the moisture. Here automation technique has been given inside the dehumidifier to absorb the moisture. The steam is going inside to the dehumidifier and the moisture is absorbed. The outside steam also goes inside and it will go outside after absorbing the moisture. The dehumidifier is rotated slowly.1.3.2. Brush Gear
Ø Brush Construction
Figure 2.8: Carbon Brush is used to remove the dustCarbon brushes tend to wear more evenly than copper brushes, and the soft carbon causes far less damage to the commutator segments. There is less sparking with carbon as compared to copper, and as the carbon wears away, the higher resistance of carbon results in fewer problems from the dust collecting on the commutator segments. Carbon brushes are better for high voltage and low current. Carbon only carries 40 to 70 amperes per square inch. The higher resistance of carbon also results in a greater voltage drop of 0.8 to 1.0 volts per contact, or 1.6 to 2.0 volts across the commutator. In the APSCL steam generating power plant carbon brush is used as brush for cleaning the dust.Ø Brush Holders
A spring is typically used with the brush, to maintain constant contact with the commutator. As the brush and commutator wear down, the spring steadily pushes the brush downwards towards the commutator. Eventually the brush wears small and thin enough that steady contact is no longer possible or it is no longer securely held in the brush holder, and so the brush must be replaced. It is common for a flexible power cable to be directly attached to the brush, because current flowing through the support spring causes heating, which may lead to a loss of metal temper and a loss of the spring tension. When a commutated motor or generator uses more power than a single brush is capable of conducting, an assembly of several brush holders is mounted in parallel across the surface of the very large commutator. This parallel holder distributes current evenly across all the brushes, and permits a careful operator to remove a bad brush and replace it with a new one, even as the machine continues to spin fully powered and under load.1.3.3. Jacking Oil Pump
Figure 2.9: Jacking oil pump (is used to cool the shaft and eliminate rotor distortion)A jacking oil pump also called a lift pump is commonly used on rotor shafts of steam driven Turbine Generators prior to startup or after shutdown to provide even cooling of the shaft and eliminate rotor distortion caused by sags due to weight and bows due to uneven cooling. The jacking oil pump uses high pressure oil supplied at the bearing journals to initiate an oil film and lift the shaft off its bearings. The rotor can then be put on a turning gear and rotated slowly to create even cooling and or roll out any distortions caused by the weight of the shaft while at rest. It also helps to maintain the oil film between shaft and the bearing till the rotor speed is adequate enough to maintain the film thickness and protects the shaft & bearing.1.4. Protection of Generator
In the APSCL steam turbine generator section, there are 15-20 generator protections. If there is any abnormal condition then the generator will be disconnected from the grid. The main protections are:1.4.1. Over Current with Under Voltage protection
Figure 2.10: Over Current with under voltage ProtectionIf there is over current flows through the current transformer and it will be given to the amplifier. If the amplifier negative input is become higher than the positive input then the negative output will be occurred at the amplifier. If the amplifier positive input is become higher than the negative input then the negative output will be occurred at the amplifier. The relay will sense the over current then the circuit breaker will be tripped.1.4.2. Over Voltage Protection
Figure 2.11: Over Voltage Protection for the generatorIf the bus voltage is higher than the 15.75 KV (16KV) then the relay will operate. This overvoltage will be given to the potential transformer and the power transformer output will be given to the amplifier input 110V. Before giving the input a relay is used if the input voltage is become over 110V then the relay will be tripped.1.4.3. Generator Differential Protection
Figure 2.12: Generator Differential ProtectionSuppose 7000 A is the rated current and if the fault current is occurred then the fault current will flow in the rotor. Imagine 3500 A current is passing to the rotor so 3500 A current will pass through the line. This difference of current will sense the current transformer then the relay will trip. Here we need to multiply by the constant then we get the exact ratio. Here the multiplying factor is the current transformer ratio. In one zone there are 2 CB and one generator.IG = ∑ (IU + I A)1.4.4. Negative Phase Sequence Protection
The negative phase sequence is occurred when the fault is phase to ground. Then current will be increased but voltage will be decreased. If we analysis it we get-Ø Positive sequenceØ Negative sequenceØ Zero sequenceThis is only possible when there is line to earth fault.Ø Positive phase sequenceØ Negative phase sequenceThis is only possible when there is line to line fault.When there is over current in one line then the negative phase sequence is occurred negative phase sequence is occurred due to over current. Main reason is that if the one phase current is higher than the negative phase sequences will occur.1.4.5. Stator Earth Fault Protection
When a ground fault occurs inside a generator, its protection system must be able to detect it and shut down the generator. This protection system has to be coordinated with the nearby fault clearing system in order to allow the external generator ground faults to be isolated by the circuit breakers. The generator ground fault protection system method is directly related with the grounding of the neutral. So, one must be aware that the schemes of the protection systems change depending on the grounding used, and some of the grounding methods cannot be used with some protection systems and vice versa [9].Ø Percentage phase differential protectionThis device is able to detect most internal ground faults in the generator but if the maximum ground fault current is below the phase differential pick-up, the device will not be able to detect it. In these cases, a ground differential scheme may be needed. This protection is used for protection of the generator against phase to phase fault. It is based on the circulating current principle.Ø Ground differential protectionThis device is defined as the one “that provides excellent security against disoperation for external faults while providing sensitive detection of internal ground faults”. This device is able to detect ground faults to within 10% of the generator’s neutral. This protection is used for protection of the generator against phase to earth fault. It is based on the circulating current.Ø Instantaneous ground over current protectionIt detects faults near the generator neutral and provides back-up protection for low magnitude external ground faults. This device is based in steroidal current transformer (this transformer is used for electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective devices. They are very useful in high power circuits where the current is large. That surrounds the generator phases and the neutral. This configuration permits to measure the ground current coming from the generator and the system and in this way, ground faults are detected.1.4.6. Rotor Earth Fault
The flux will go inside of the rotor then flux will go outside at the middle point of the rotor. If the winding is slightly shorted to the rotor then the fault current will pass through the relay so the CB will trip. There are two types rotor earth fault protection likeØ Restricted Earth FaultA Restricted Earth Fault (REF) means an earth fault from a restricted/localized zone of a circuit. The term Restricted earth fault protection method means not to sense any earth faults outside this restricted zone. REF is a type of "unit protection" applied to transformers or generators and is more sensitive than the method known as differential protection. An REF relay works by measuring the actual current flowing to earth from the frame of the unit. If that current exceeds a certain preset maximum value of milliamps (mA) then the relay will trip to cut off the power supply to the unit. Differential protection can also be used to protect the windings of a transformer by comparing the current in the power supply's neutral wire with the current in the phase wire, if the currents are equal then the differential protection relay will not operate, if there is a current imbalance then the differential protection relay operates. However, REF protection is also applied to transformers in order to detect ground faults on a given winding much more sensitively than differential protection can do.Ø Backup Earth FaultWinding voltage is 10% high then the relay will not operate because adequate relay sensing current will not pass through the relay. If current is 10% high then the relay will sense. In the period of less than 10% of the winding voltage the winding differential will operate.If the restricted earth does not sense the backup earth fault will be sensed. If there is any unbalanced in the three line phase sequence then the back earth fault will occurred. If the winding has become grounded then there will be high current will flow through the winding and result is that there will be huge amount of mechanical force will create in the stator. So it will burn out and fell down.1.4.7. Over Frequency Protection
Over frequency results from the excess generation and it can easily be corrected by reduction in the power outputs with the help of the governor or manual control.1.4.8. Under Frequency Protection
Under frequency occurs due to the excess. During an overload, generation capability of the generator increases and reduction in frequency occurs. The power system survives only if we drop the load so that the generator output becomes equal or greater than the connected load. If the load increases the generation, then frequency will drop and load need to shed down to create the balance between the generator and the connected load. The rate at which frequency drops depend on the time, amount of overload and also on the load and generator variations as the frequency changes. Frequency decay occurs within the seconds so we cannot correct it manually. Therefore automatic load shedding facility needs to be applied. These schemes drops load in steps as the frequency decays. Generally load shedding drops 20 to 50% of load in four to six frequency steps. Load shedding scheme works by tripping the substation feeders to decrease the system load. Generally automatic load shedding schemes are designed to maintain the balance between the load connected and the generator. The present practice is to use the under frequency relays at various load points so as to drop the load in steps until they declined frequency return to normal. Non essential load is removed first when decline in frequency occurs. The setting of the under frequency relays based on the most probable condition occurs and also depend upon the worst case possibilities. During the overload conditions, load shedding must occur before the operation of the under frequency relays. In other words load must be shed before the generators are tripped.There are some other protections in the generator section of APSCL. Like-1. Magnetization fault2. 230KV grid protection3. Unbalanced loading protection4. Definite/inverse time over excitation protection5. Reverse power protection6. Unit transformer protection7. Unit auxiliary transformer protection1.5. Cooling System of Generator
1.5.1. Air cooling
When the generator is operating and producing electricity, it produces heat. As the heat increases, generator efficiencies decrease. To solve this problem, our generators include an air cooling system. This significantly reduces the associated wear that high temperatures can cause, and thus improves the lifetime of our generators.1.5.2. Water Cooling
If the production rate of the generator is 300KVA, then water cooling can be used for this type of generator. The water cooling system in the APSCL generator division is-Figure 2.13: water cooling system of generatorActually the cooling medium is filled in a completely closed cycle system, and driven by the main circulating pump to take heat out from the cooling part. Electric three way valve can control cooling medium ratio that flows through air radiator according to coolant temperature. There is a voltage regulation system parallel with circulation line, it can maintain constant pressure in the cooling system and buffer cooling medium volume change of the water cooling system, and then ensure normal operation of the system.1.5.3. Hydrogen Cooling
If the production rate of the generator is 200KVA, then Hydrogen cooling can be used for this type of generator. The Hydrogen cooling system in the APSCL generator division is-A system for cooling hydrogen which is used for cooling an electric power generator, cooling of the hydrogen being affected by transfer of heat from hydrogen leaving the generator to cooling water extracted from a source which has a temperature determined by external conditions. The system is composed of an indirect heat exchanger for bringing cooling water into heat exchange communication with hydrogen leaving the generator and cooling water is supplied to the heat exchanger partially from the source and partially from cooling water leaving the heat exchanger. A temperature monitoring unit produces an indication of the temperature of the cooling water extracted from the source and a control unit is coupled to the temperature monitoring unit to cool the hydrogen to a desired temperature while maintaining a constant flow rate of cooling water into the heat exchanger. While small generators may be cooled by air drawn through filters at the inlet, larger units generally require special cooling arrangements. Hydrogen gas cooling, in an oil-sealed casing, is used because it has the highest known heat transfer coefficient of any gas and for its low viscosity which reduces wind age losses. This system requires special handling during start-up, with air in the generator enclosure first displaced by carbon dioxide before filling with hydrogen. This ensures that the highly flammable hydrogen does not mix with oxygen in the air. The hydrogen pressure inside the casing is maintained slightly higher than atmospheric pressure to avoid outside air ingress. The hydrogen must be sealed against outward leakage where the shaft emerges from the casing. Mechanical seals around the shaft are installed with a very small annular gap to avoid rubbing between the shaft and the seals. Seal oil is used to prevent the hydrogen gas leakage to atmosphere. Generally in the APSCL generator division also uses water cooling and Dematerialized water of low conductivity is used [10].1.6. Battery Back-Up System
Battery is used to supply the power to the control room and also save the generator, if needed.Figure 2.14: Series connected batteryFigure 2.15: parallel connected batteryThe DC power is used in control system always. If the control system fails the control power must not fail. The electricity that is coming from the battery is produced due to the chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. For the backup purpose we use the battery. In this power plant they use two kinds of battery:1) Led acid2) NICD batteryNICD battery is costly. The difference is that in led acid the sulfuric acid is used and in NICD battery the potassium hydrochloric acid is used. The rectifier is used to convert the DC to AC. The rectifier is nothing just like battery charger in technical point of view it is called rectifier. The voltage of NICD is 1.2 V. for battery capacity we use AH (amp hour). If we connect the battery in parallel we are adding the capacity and if we connect the battery we are added the battery in series. For example, 10 hours the capacity is 50 AH. It means that 50A current will run the battery through 10 hours. There is a performance curve will be given by the manufacturer which will indicate that the battery will operate in which point. Initially there will be high amp of current will flow then afterwards it will become steady. After that it will be discharged. Then current will be constant to the battery to charge initially. The steady condition when the constant voltage will be given this condition is called the floating position for energy gaining. This floating condition can be changed if the product is same and the same material is used but the chemical reaction is changed. It charged in high voltage which is called booster. It will equalize the charge.In the control room there are some mechanical works which are done for testing the battery:1) The cleaning the room2) The tightness capacity: this test is done for the loss connection in the battery. If there is any loss connection then the then it will be removed.3) Breathing test: if there is any chemical reaction occurred inside then this test is done to remove the chemical reaction.4) Liquid level test: the nickel cadmium is emerged in to the potassium hydrochloric acid. There is a maximum point and a minimum point inside the battery. It means that the nickel cadmium is emerged in between two points. If acid level is higher than the maximum level the breathing test will be needed. But the acid level cannot go under the minimum level. For this reason the specific cell is kept on observation.5) Specific gravity test (1180-1220)1220 cc or 1.2 liter (compared to 1 liter water)The specific gravity is tested by the hand hydrometer of the acid. The specific gravity is in the range of 1180-1220.6) The cell voltage testHere the rectifier is used which is 220 V. There one rectifier is redundant. It is the subordinate rectifier if one fails then the other rectifier will be operated. The battery is energized and discharged. When the constant voltage will be supplied then the floating condition will be occurred. If we want to boost the battery then the data will be stored and it has been charged by the automation inside the rectifier.For NICD battery: nominal voltage: 1.2V, Floating voltage: 1.4V, Boost voltage: 1.6V1.7. Control System
Figure 2.16: Control room of steam generating power plant1.7.1. Control Functions of Generator
The automates all aspects of the turbine control, protection, start-up, and shutdown sequences. It interfaces directly to existing instruments. There are different types of controlling equipments-Ø Governing Steam Valve ControlØ SequencingØ ProtectionØ MonitoringØ HMI operator interface / data historianØ Vibration MonitoringØ Control interface to generator / mechanical driveØ Remote Monitoring and CommunicationsThe control software is built from a library of proven Functional Control Algorithm modules. This allows ICS to use standard governor code, ensure a high standard, proven software, and reduced commissioning time. Common Functional Control Algorithms for Steam Turbine control include-Ø Inlet Pressure ControllerØ Inlet Pressure LimiterØ Single & Multiple Extraction Pressure ControlØ Extraction Pressure ControlØ Exhaust Pressure ControlØ Inlet / Extraction Valve Ratio ControlØ Turbine Speed ControlØ Generator load controlØ Generator load limitØ Hot well Level ControlØ Generator Stator Temperature LimiterThe STC is very flexible, allowing for a high degree of customization as required incorporating project specific unit or customer needs and features not possible with black box controllers.1.8. Excitation of Generator
Excitation systems have a powerful impact on generator dynamic performance and availability; it ensures quality of generator voltage and reactive power that means quality of delivered energy to consumers.There are two types of common excitation system-Ø Brushless excitation systems, with rotating exciter machines and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)Ø Static excitation systems (SES), feeding rotor directly from thyristor bridges via brushes.Ø AC excitation systemsØ DC excitation systemsIn the APSCL Generator section DC excitation systems are used.Main functions of excitation system are-Ø To provide variable DC current with short time overload capability,Ø Controlling terminal voltage with suitable accuracy,Ø Ensure stable operation with network and other machines,Ø Contribution to transient stability subsequent to a fault,Ø Communicate with the power plant control system and to keep machine within permissible operating range.Chapter - 03
2. Combined Cycles
Date: 11.05.2011 to 13.05.2011Supervisor: Senior Eng. Azizur Rahman, Manager, Gas Generator and Protection Section.Assistant Eng. Fazle Hassan, Gas Generator and Protection Section.2.1. Combined Cycle in APSCL:
In Ashuganj Power Station Company LTD.(APSCL) in combined cycle plant there are two gas turbine (i.e. GT-1 and GT-2) and one steam turbine plant. On time of our internship we have passed two days in gas turbine and one day in combined cycle. The power generation of these units is given below:-UnitsDate of CommissionYear of last OverhaulingCapacity(MW)Generation(Kw.h.)Fuel ConsumptionCommissionedDe-rated (present)MCFm^3/kwhGT-115.11.19822008563584677414007.690.4684GT-223.03.19862004564077454218120.4684CC-ST28.03.198420003416400525CC 0.3180Table-3.1: Power generation of combined cycle power plant of APSCL [4]In Combined Cycle plant of APSCL, the main raw material of plant is GAS. Which is comes from Titas Gas.3.1.2. Total sketch of Combined Cycle Power Plant of APSCL and its working principle:-
Figure 3.1: Pencil sketch diagram of APSCL Combined Cycle power plant showing some significant gadgets of Steam and Gas Turbine PlantGAS Turbine Plant in APSCL:Figure 3.2: Drawing of Gas Turbine Plant-1 with notification of the instrument.Steam Turbine Plant in APSCL:Figure 3.3: Steam Turbine Power Plant in APSCLWorking principle of Combined Power Plant:Figure 3.4: Working principle sketch of gas plant given by Eng. Azizur RahmanIn combined cycle power plant 40º c steams from steam turbine plant is coming to the deaerator, where from the another way 100ºc temperature steam also coming from low pressure evaporator. Both these two different temperature steam is stored in deaerator and in combined produce 100 º c temperature water. This 100ºc temperature water forcedly flows to the high pressure tank where its temperature increases to 220 ºc. On the same time another 230 ºc temperature steam is coming to the high pressure tank from the high pressure evaporator. The output of this tank is 230 ºc steam which flows through the supper heater, where it is heated by 500 ºc temperature steam and produces 400 ºc temperature and 40 bar super heated steam. Finally this 400 ºc super heated steam passes through the condenser A and B and supplied to the turbine.3.1.3. Working principle of Gas Turbine:
Compare to the other turbine working principle of Gas turbine is very simple. They have three important parts: - A compressor to compress the incoming air to high pressure.
- A combustion area to burn the fuel and produce high pressure, high velocity gas.
- A turbine to extract the energy from the high pressure, high velocity gas flowing from the combustion chamber.
The following figure shows the general layout of an
axial-flow gas turbine(which is used in APSC) -

Figure 3.5: Axial flow gas turbine
In this engine air is sucked in
from the right by the compressor. The compressor is basically a cone-shaped
cylinder with small fan blades attached in rows (8 rows of blades are
represented here). Assuming the light black represents air at normal air
pressure, then as the air is forced through the compression stage its pressure
and velocity rise significantly. In some engines the pressure of the air can
rise by a factor of 30. The high-pressure air produced by the compressor is
shown in dark shade.[15]
This high-pressure air then
enters the combustion area, where a ring of fuel injectors injects a steady
stream of fuel. In the combustion area - entering this area is high-pressure
air moving at hundreds of miles per hour. The injectors are at the right.
Compressed air enters through the perforations. Exhaust gases exit at the left.
From the above figure that a second set of cylinders wraps around the inside
and the outside of this perforated can, guiding the compressed intake air into
the perforations.
At the left
of the engine is the turbine section. In this figure there are two sets of
turbines. The first set directly drives the compressor. The turbines, the shaft
and the compressor all turn as a single unit.

Figure 3.6: Blade of Turbine of Gas Turbine 1
At the far
left is a final turbine stage, shown here with a single set of vanes. It drives
the output shaft. This final turbine stage and the output shaft are a
completely stand-alone, freewheeling unit. They spin freely without any
connection to the rest of the engine.
In the case
of the turbine used in a gas power plant, there really is nothing to do with
the exhaust gases but vent them through an exhaust pipe, as shown in fig.4.5.
Sometimes the exhaust will run through some sort of heat exchanger either to
extract the heat for some other purpose or to preheat air before it enters the
combustion chamber.
2.2. Some Basis System of Combined Cycle:
2.2.1. Fuel System:
The function of the fuel system is to store and supply
fuel to the cylinder chamber where it can be mixed with air, vaporized, and
burned to produce energy. The fuel, which can be either gasoline or diesel, but
in APSCL they use diesel because of high price of gasoline is stored in a fuel
tank. A fuel pump draws the fuel from the tank through fuel lines and delivers
it through a fuel filter to either a carburetor or fuel injector, then
delivered to the cylinder chamber for combustion.

Figure 3.7: Fuel System and circulation of fuel in
Combined Cycle Power plant in APSCL
Governor System:

The governor system is the most important element of
fuel system. The governor system is like a cruise control system. It keeps the
engine running at the speed which would be selected, regardless of changes in
the load. It controls the amount of fuel supply and the level of fuel in the
combined cycle.
Figure 3.8: Governor System
2.2.2. Air Injection System:
An air injection system
forces fresh air into the exhaust ports of the engine to reduce HC and CO emissions and cooling. The exhaust
gases leaving an engine can contain unburned and
partially burned fuel. Oxygen from the air injection
system causes this fuel to continue to
burn. The major parts of the system are the air pump, the diverter valve, the air distribution manifold, and the
air check valve.
belt-driven and forces air at low pressure into the system. A
hose is connected to the output of the diverter valve.
The DIVERTER VALVE keeps air
from entering the exhaust system during deceleration.
This prevents backfiring in the exhaust
system. Also, the diverter valve limits maximum
system air pressure when needed, releasing
excessive pressure through a silencer or a muffler.
fresh air toward each engine exhaust valve. Fittings on
the air distribution manifold screw into a threaded
hole in the exhaust manifold or cylinder head.
is usually located in the
line between the diverter valve and the air distribution
manifold. It keeps exhaust gases from entering the air injection system. When the engine is
running, the spinning vanes of the air pump force air
into the diverter valve. If not decelerating, the
air is forced through the diverter valve, the check
valve, the air injection manifold, and into the engine.
The fresh air blows on the exhaust valves. During
periods of deceleration, the diverter valve blocks air
flow into the engine exhaust manifold. This
prevents a possible backfire that could damage the exhaust
system of the machine. When needed, the diverter valve
will release excess pressure in the system.
In APSCL they have 2 layer air check valve in two side of the generator. First
layer contains 59 blades and second layer contains 79 blades in each side of
gas generator.
In this air injection system APSCL have three stages
filtering system. Those filter the fresh air before interring into the
exhausted port of the gas generator engine. These are:
Metallic filtering system
Permanent filtering system
Disposable filtering system

Figure 3.9: Air Injection system and the direction of
air circulation in gas generator
2.2.3. Starting System:
Starting system is one of the most important auxiliary
systems of gas generator. In APSCL normally generator starts by a diesel engine
and turbine rotates. In 700rpm speed there is a firing and gas engine began
operating. After 1700rpm speed compressor delivery pressure (CDP) will decide
whether the gas engine will run as self or it will run in combined with diesel
engine. Usually after 1800rpm speed diesel engine stops and gas engine began
working independently. On the time of starting the engine if there is any fault
occurs related with firing or starting of gas engine, immediately they turn off
the diesel engine and reset the machine in first position.
2.2.4. Cooling System:
Cooling is one of the most
important elements of any power station. Before starting the machine it is
mandatory to check the cooling of the machine. If there is any problem related
with cooling we have to solve the problem before starting the engine. Otherwise
because of very high heat engine can be tripped or be burned away.
In APSCL, in combined cycle power
plant there are two types of cooling system they have used. One is water
cooling and another is air cooling. There are also two types of water cooling
system of the gas generator. One is jacket cooling & another is after

Figure 3.10: Cooling system of Gas
For jacket cooling system there
are two tanks above the generator from where the water for the jacket cooler
comes. The water in the tank for jacket cooler doesn’t change. It is always
recycling. Cool water goes to the jacket from the tank, takes the heat of the
parts of the generator then the hot water goes to the after cooler to give up
the heat and the cool water returns to the tank for another cycle. In this way
the jacket water flows.

Figure 3.11: Water cooling system of the generator
In the after cooler the hot water
of the jacket cooler flows within a coil & the cold water of about 20 ºc
flows from the outside of the coil. The cold water takes the heat of the jacket
water raises at 40-45 ºc and goes back for cooling and the jacket water send
back to the tank by a pump.

Figure 3.12: Water cooling pump in
In the after cooling system the
normal water from the supply is used. The water first send to cool the jacket
water, then it sends to the cooling tower to cool the water. The water from the
after cooler reaches to the cooling tower by a water pump. In the cooling tower
the water is sprayed by different tubes in a tank. Above the tank there is a
fan, which blows out the heat of the water. Then the water goes to the pump
from where it is send to the after cooler.

Figure 3.13: Cooling water supply
pipe in APSCL
In the air cooling system, they collect air from the
environment, after filtering it in different levels (i.e. which is briefly
discussed in air injection level) they use it for cooling the different
elements of the gas generator. The list of cooling mechanism in APSCL is given
oil cooling there is two fan in two sides of the oil tanker
cooling the turbine, there is two ventilation gap
cooling the generator, there are two fan in both of the generator and besides
these there are two air inlet system
these there is one internal air circular path for cooling the generator.

Figure 3.14: Air Inlet system in gas turbine in APSCL
2.2.5. Lubricating System:
The engine lubrication system is designed to deliver
clean oil at the correct temperature and pressure to every part of the engine.
The oil is sucked out the sump into the pump, being the heart of the system,
than forced through an oil filter and pressure feuded to the main bearings and
to the oil pressure gauge. From the main bearings, the oil passes through
feed-holes into drilled passages in the shaft and on to the big-end bearings of
the connecting rod. The cylinder walls and piston-pin bearings are lubricated
by oil fling dispersed by the rotating shaft. The excess being scraped off by
the lower ring in the piston. A bleed or tributary from the main supply passage
feeds each shaft bearing. Another bleed supplies the timing chain or gears on
the shaft drive. The excess oil then drains back to the sump, where the heat is
dispersed to the surrounding air of the atmosphere.[16]

Figure 3.15: Lubrication system in the gas turbine
plant and arrow shows the direction of oil flow [17]
lubricating system is done for reducing friction and heat of the turbine and
for smoothing the rotation at 3000rpm. In lubricating system there are two
major elements:
Oil system
Oil system
1. BARING OIL SYSTEM: In Baring oil
system there is a baring pump which creates a high pressure around 40-50 bar to
the oil and forcedly flow to the generators. It helps to reduce the friction of
the turbine with shaft, reduces generated heat and provides the long liability
to the turbine.

Figure 3.16: Baring oil system in a gas turbine
2. JACKING OIL SYSTEM: At the time
of turbine start up, the shaft journals are in contact with the white metal of
the bearings due to the weight of the rotor. The low pressure of the
lubricating oil supply and baring oil system is insufficient to separate the
metal to metal contact between journals and bearing shells. In order to prevent
the metal to metal contact, which is damaging in the long term, an oil pocket
machined into the bottom shell of the journal bearing is supplied with oil
under high pressure. This high pressure oil supplied at the bearing journals to
initiate an oil film and lift the shaft off its bearings. This is called
jacking oil system of turbine.[18]

Figure 3.17: Jacking oil pump and system in APSCL
2.3. Protection and Control System:
and control system is the most important section of any power station. If there
is any abnormality, protection and control system would propel the alarm or
shows the notification on the control panel and finally trip the circuit
breaker for protecting the station by sensing the level of abnormality. In
APSCL there are 18 types of protection is used for protecting the generator,
turbine and overall system. In between these, they have discussed some most
important protection system and their working principle. Those protection
system and control panels of combined power plant are given below:-
v Generator Protection:
vibration protection
current or load protection
voltage protection
and under frequency protection
earth fault protection
earth fault protection
power protection
relay protection
temperature protection
v Turbine Protection:
vibration protection
speed protection
High pressure protection
2.3.1. Generator Protection:
Generator Vibration Protection:
Generator vibration protection is very
important protection system in between all protection schemes. It is essential
for the long liability of generator and maximum working efficiency.
Vibration is defined as continuous,
repetitive or periodic oscillation relative to a certain fixed reference. The
physical motion of rotating machine generates vibration, which gives a physical
indication of the machine. In APSCL, our supervisor Eng. Fazle Hasan told us,
there are some reasons behind this generator vibration problem. Those are:-
oil film failure
oil header temperature
in oil
change in combustion dynamics
closure of bleed air valves
measuring device(pickup or cable problem
That’s why generator vibration is always
monitored by the plants condition monitoring system of the power plant. Machinery protection is provided when vibration (or
other) measurements are installed permanently on a machine and connected to a
dedicated machinery protection system. The machinery protection system has
alarm set points (typically Alert and Danger), which automatically activate an alarm
when it is reach at 4mils (1mils=
The machinery protection system have an alarm relays which can automatically
shut down (or trip) the machine when it reaches at 6mils. Alternatively,
instructions to shut down the machine may be issued by an operator when an
alarm occurs.
Over current or load protection:
In generator over current or over voltage
fault can be occurred in two ways. One is for load dissipation and another is
for thundering. If the load of the power generator decreases suddenly but
synchronous speed is not adjusted on time, then a large current is flows
through the generator to bus bar line may cause severe damage and hazard. To
protect this differential relay is used in generator. If the current goes above
certain level or amps, the relay first give the warning to the operator or
switch alarm and then is break or trip the circuit breaker to protect the

Figure 3.18: Over current protection
scheme for generator in APSCL
Over voltage protection:
The over voltages on a power system is divided into
two main categories:
1. Internal causes:(i) Switching
surges (ii) Insulation failure (iii) Arcing ground (iv) Resonance
2. External causes: Lightning or
Surges due to internal causes hardly increase the
system voltage twice the normal value. Generally, surges due to internal causes
are taken care of by providing proper insulation to the equipment in the power
system. But surges due to lightning or thundering are very severe and may
increase the system voltage to several the normal values. If the equipment in the
power system is not protected against lightning surges, these surges may cause
considerable damage. That’s why in APSCL for external
over voltage protection they have used delay type relay
Over and Under frequency protection:
Over frequency operation: Over
frequency results from the excess generation and it can easily be corrected by
reduction in the power outputs with the help of the governor or manual control.
Under frequency operation: During an overload,
generation capability of the generator increases and reduction in frequency
occurs. The power system survives only if we drop the load so that the
generator output becomes equal or greater than the connected load. If the load
increases the generation, then frequency will drop and load need to shed down
to create the balance between the generator and the connected load. The rate at
which frequency drops depend on the time, amount of the overload and also on
the generator variations as the frequency changes. Frequency decay occurs
within the seconds so we cannot correct it manually. Therefore automatic load
shedding facility needs to be applied.
Stator Earth Fault Protection:
In APSCL for stator earth fault protection and over
current or load protection same kind of protection system is used.

Figure 3.19: Stator Earth Fault Protection Scheme in
But in stator earth fault protection there is one
extra protection and that is the standby earth fault protection. In this
protection scheme there is a internal generator protection system and if there
is any standby faults occurs, which immediately open the power system from the
generator and mention the safety of it.
Differential Relay Protection:
Difference between generated current and transmission
current should be equal. If it is not, then a fault is taken place in the power
station. To protect this in APSCL differential type relay protection scheme is
used. When this types of fault are occurs, immediately relay will trip and as
well as the circuit breaker will open.
Winding Temperature Protection:
In APSCL there are many types of temperature
protection system is available. Among them most important and widely used some
protection devices are given below:
Used for measuring the temperature
Used for measuring the meter
It give the protection by coupling two different metals
Thermocouple detector (RTD): It is the modern protection system used in APSCL.
It can be used in very high range and quickly responsible.
2.3.2. Turbine Protection:
Bearing vibration protection:
Usually Gas Turbine bearings are equipped with radial,
axial and seismic vibration probes. The bearing protection system is based on
fast response vibration detection. The radial probes will detect the vibration
faster as the seismic. Because of the oil film and the bearing casing is a kind
of barrier which damps the vibration before reaching the seismic. In general,
the vibration detection by seismic should be proportional to the radial
The following scenarios might
cause high vibration to rotating equipment:
1) Bearing stiffness
2) Misalignment
3) Resonance
4) Aerodynamic forces
5) Tooth wear, coupling
6) Disturbed bearing lubrication
is the main cause of high vibration. This can be caused due to rotor bow due to
unequal cool down, damaged blades and buckets, and deposits embedded on the
axial compressor of the turbine.
Chapter - 04
3. Substation
After generation of electricity to distribute it to
the customer substation is needed. Because, generated electricity voltage 15.6
KV is not suitable for all consumers (especially to the house hold) and also if
15.6 KV line is used for long transmission than it will not be efficient so we
need a substation which will convert voltage level in a satisfactory level. So,
in substation generated voltage is categorized for the demand of distribution.
In Asuganj Power Station Company generated electricity is transformed from 15.6
KV to 132 KV, 230 KV and as well as 440 V line. 440 V line is used for transmit
electricity in local area like inside of Asuganj Power Station to their
resident. 132 KV line is used for medium distance transmission like for
transmit power to Brahmanbaria. Whereas, 230 KV line is used for long
transmission like to transmit power to Dhaka or Sirajganj. So, for convert
voltage to 15.6 KV to 440V or 132 KV or 230 KV; we need step up as well as step
down Transformer. That means, Transformers is one of the most important
equipment of Power Station. But, the working area of substation is not only
changing voltage level but it also ensure the security of bus bar as well as
used for communicate with other substation, SCADA.
The substation in APSCL is a outdoor type, step up,
double bus bar type substation. APSCL used double bus bar because it generates
power and distributes the power by giving it to the grid. When generator starts
it take power from the grid by bus bar one. If there is no supply on national
grid then APSCL has its own motor driven power producing back-up system.
Equipments that are used by APSCL is given below in a
list. Further discussions on those equipments are given below consequently. At
the end, a single line diagram is given and explained for giving an overview on
Here is list of equipment in APSCL substations-
Circuit Breaker
Blast Circuit Breaker
Circuit Breaker
and Battery charger room
3.1. Transformer
In substation current transformer and
voltage transformer is widely used. Details about this two kind of transformer
is given below-
3.1.1. Current Transformer (CT)
At Ashuganj Power Station Company, we
have seen various types of Current Transformers. The engineers of substation
informed us about the usage of current transformer in series with equipment for
the protection. Current transformer or CT is used for measuring the current of
electric equipment. It is a step down
transformer. For the safety of the system, current transformer’s secondary
winding checked regularly, because if it gets unloaded or open, then it can
create arc, which is harmful. Sometimes current transformers step up the
current in the transmission line that reduces the cost of transmission with
less power loss.
A typical current transformer is
shown in Figure 5.1.1.

Figure 4.1: Current Transformer
used in APSCL’s substation
3.1.2. Potential Transformer (PT)
APSCL use outdoor type 132 KV rated
voltage Potential transformer. Potential transformer mainly used for protective
relaying purpose and operation of other instruments such as ammeter, voltmeter
and watt meter etc. In table 5.1.2 name plate data of 132 kV single phase
outdoor types Potential Transformer is given-
of phase
/ (110/1.73)
system voltage
of accuracy
of manufacturing
Primary Connection
Secondary Connection
(132000/1.73) / (110/1.73)
Table-4.1: 132 kV single phase outdoor type Potential
Transformer made by ENERGYPAC.
In Figure, potential
transformers used by APSCL are shown.

Figure 4.2:
132 kV single phase outdoor types Potential Transformer used in APSCL
3.2. Circuit Breaker
Circuit Breaker is a protective
device which protects electric load devices and electric power cables from a
large fault current caused by an electrical shortage and a ground fault that
can be generated on an electrical circuit. It also performs the breaking
operation automatically when such fault current is generated. When the fault
current occurs, then electric circuits detect the leakage current and give a
trip signal. Circuit breaker may include an electronic trip unit that senses
the over rated current. If it sense that the over current is flowing through
the circuit, then in response of trip signal, it will separate breaker
contacts. Circuit breaker can be of many types. It is mainly divided on the
basis of voltage level, construction type, interruption type and their
structures. They are Low Voltage Circuit Breaker, High Voltage Circuit Breaker,
Magnetic Circuit Breaker, and Thermal Circuit Breaker [12].

Figure 4.3: Inside of a typical
Circuit Breaker [11]
Breaker those are used by APSCL is as follows –
circuit breaker
circuit breaker
blast circuit breaker
3.2.1. Oil Circuit Breaker
The rated voltage of Low Oil Circuit
Breaker which is used by APSCL is 132 KV. The weight of oil is 330 kg and the
total weight of the breaker is 3280 kg. Rated current of this type of circuit
breaker is 1250 A and breaking capacity is 5000 MVA. Nameplate data of a
circuit breaker used by APSCL is given below-
Year of Construction
S 69/30756803
H 801-132/1250-5000E
Rated Voltage
132 kV
Max. Service Voltage
170 kV
Rated current
1250 A
50 Hz
Breaking capacity
5000 MVA
Natural frequency
1.5 kHz
Amplitude factor
Making current
55/43 kA
Short time current
1 sec 32 kA
Operating duty
Operating mechanism
220 V d.c.
Weight incl. oil
3280 kg
Oil filling breaker poles
330 kg
Table-4.2: Name plate data of a 132 kV rated voltage
Oil circuit breaker made by SIMENS, made in Germany
Figure5.2.1, we have shown a Minimum Oil
Circuit Breaker.

Figure 4.4: 132 KV rated voltage
Minimum oil Circuit Breaker used in APSCL substation
3.2.2. SF6 Circuit Breaker
APSCL use 36 kV and 145
kV rated SF6 circuit breakers. ALSTOM and SIMENSE are the main suppliers of SF6
circuit Breaker. Here, the weight of SF6 gas is 26.0 kg and the total weight of
the device is 3530 kg. The temperature range of the circuit breaker is -25 to
+55° C. The name-plate data of a 145 KV rated voltage SF6 circuit breaker is
given below-
Year of manufacturing / No.
Rated voltage
145 kV
Rated lightning impulse
withstand voltage
650 kV
Rated power frequency
withstand voltage
275 kV
Rated frequency, f
50 Hz
Rated normal current, Ir
3150 A
Rated short circuit
breaking current, Isc
40 KA
Rated duration of
short-circuit t
3 s
Rated out-of-phase breaking
current Id
10 KA
First-pole-to-clear factor
Rated line-charging
breaking current
50 A
Rated operated sequence
Rated pressure of SF6 at
+20° C
6.0 bar
Weight of SF6 filling
26.0 kg
Weight including sf6
3530 kg
Temperature class
-25 to +55° C
Table-4.3: 145 kV rated voltage SF6 circuit breaker
made by SIMENSE
In Figure 5.2.2, we have
shown a SF6 circuit breaker.

Figure 4.5: SF6 Circuit Breaker,
contain 1 kg SF6 gas at 6.0 bar pressure
3.2.3. Air Blast Circuit Breaker
In 132 kV bus line APSCL use air
blast circuit breaker. These circuit breakers employ a high pressure air-blast
as an arc quenching medium. When the arc struck, the contacts are opened in a
flow of air-blast established by the opening of the blast valve. The air-blast
cools the arc and sweeps away the arcing products of the atmosphere.
Consequently, the arc is extinguished and flow of current is interrupted.
Whenever current at high voltages needs to be interrupted, more breaking units
are used, in series. Dry and clean air supply is one of the most essential
requirements for the operation of the Air Blast Circuit Breakers. In addition,
other gases such as Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, and Hydrogen can also be used.
But air is preferred because of the fact that the Carbon dioxide tends to
freeze, and the hydrogen gas is very expensive. This type of circuit breaker is
used for high voltage applications, where faster breaker operation is required
Air Blast Circuit Breaker is shown in
Figure 5.2.3.

Figure 4.6: Air blast Circuit Breaker used in APSCL’s
substation for protection [13]
3.3. Relay
A relay is an electrical switch which
is used where several electrical circuits are controlled by one signal. Relays
are used at the both side of the circuit breaker. There are three types of relays. One is
primary relay and another two are back up relay for each protection part. We
observed relay panel and how to operate it. Relay panel operates by DC power
supply. There are three different sources of DC power supply which are
connected in parallel with relay panel. The DC power sources are Grid, DC
battery and generator, when one is unable then another one is active
automatically. Because safety reasons, we could not test and operate relay. Relay
or protective relay is necessary with almost every electrical plant so that no
part of the power system is left unprotected. This protection depends on
various matters such as type and rating of the protected equipment, location,
abnormal condition, cost etc. A relay is
an electrical switch which is used where several electrical circuits are
controlled by one signal. The relays distinguish between normal and abnormal
condition. Whenever the abnormal condition appears, relay close its contacts
and energize the trip coil of the circuit breaker. Then the faulty parts get
disconnected by the opening of circuit breaker. Removal of this faulty part
from the system is automatic [14].
3.3.1. Types of Relay at APSCL
There are various types of protective
relays. At APSCL they use following types of relay.
relay is the first protection device. It is the most guaranteed relay. There
are several types of classical relays in power system, but at APSCL they use
electromagnetic attraction type double quantity classical relay. This relay has
instantaneous operation, means operation time is constant. The construction of
this relay is very simple and operating current can be adjusted easily. This
type of relay uses most of the cases.
type relay
This type
of relay is basically used for inductive load and over current protection in
APSCL’s substation. It has Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) characteristic.
Here angular force is used for time adjustment. This type of relay is made by
the help of energy meter’s principal. It is sensitive to direction. There is a
Time Setting Multiplier (TSM) and Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) at the upper
part of the relay for controlling the characteristic curve of the relay. This
type of relay is basically used for providing protection of Generator, Motor
and feeder.
differential relay
To provide
protection of power transformer at APSCL Percentage differential relay is used.
This type of relay is capable to identify internal fault only. In Percentage
differential relay there are two current transformers (CT) connected to the two
end point of the protection part. The difference between two CTs current passes
through the operating coil of the percentage differential relay. If difference
is greater than zero then relay will operate.
type distance relay
type distance relay is used for giving protection of transmission line in
APSCL. This is a voltage restrain over current relay. Transmission line
protection is really a complex task due to its long distance. If abnormal
condition is occurred in transmission line, relay should trip the coil quickly
and identify the point of fault part of the transmission line for repairing.
This type of relay is the most costly.
Pilot relay
For sending
signal to the fault part pilot relay is used in APSCL. If any kind of fault
occurs in any zone of transmission line, immediately the fault should be
cleared by using a signal, which comes from pilot relay. At APSCL they use microwave
type pilot relay and power line carrier type pilot relay for protecting the
transmission line.
3.4. Lighting Arrester
Lighting Arrester is used for giving
protection equipments of substations from lighting surge at APSCL substation. Lightning
is a huge spark and takes place when clouds are charged to such a high
potential with respect to ground or earth. Lightning arrester is also known as
surge arrester. It has a high voltage terminal and a ground terminal. Under the
normal condition lightning arrester does not work but when the high voltage or
thunder strike occur then air insulation of the gap breaks and arc is formed
for providing a low resistance path for
surge the ground. In this way the excess charge is grounded.

Figure 4.7:
Lightning Arrester in the substation;which protect equipments from lighting
3.4.1. Types of Lightning Arrester used in APSCL
Basically lightning arrester could be
various types. But, APSCL contain these two types of lightning arresters. They
Rod gap arrester
Rod gap type arrester is used mainly
for protect power transformers, tap changing transformers in APSCL. So, this
type of arrester is placed around transformers. It is very simple type of lightning
arrester which consists of two rods and is bent at right angle with a very
short gap. One rod is connected to the line and other is connected to the
Horn gap arrester
Horn gap arrester is used in APSCL
mainly for protect breakers, wave traps, bus bar. Horn gap arrester is also
another types of arrester which consists of a two horn shaped metal rods
separated by a small gap. One end of the horn is connected with line circuit
and other end is connected with the ground. The gap between of the horn is so
adjusted that normal supply voltage is not enough to cause an arc across the
3.5. Wave Trap
Wave Trap is used for communication with other substation
from APSCL substation. It is also used for communicate with SCADA from APSCL
control room. We observed in APSCL, that lighting arrester is used surround of
wave trap for giving protection from lighting surge. Wave trap is also known as
line trap. It is an electronic filtering device. Its main purpose of the use is
for communication between two substation and also use the same transmission
line between those substations. Through coupling capacitor and Line Matching Unit
(LMU), this device traps the high frequency signal which is sent from the
remote substation and diverts that signals to telecom panel in the substation
control room. These signals are mainly teleportation signals and also there are
voice and data communication signals. In wave trap, there is high impedance,
thus this communication frequency cannot flow through the substation bus bar
and transformer. If there is no high impedance in the wave trap, then data
could get lost and then communication between those substations would be
ineffective or may be impossible.

4.8: Wave Trap in the substation; which is used for communication in APSCL
3.6. Control Room
Control Room is a place where controlling is performed. For
every section of a power plant a control room is necessary. APSCL have totally
separated control room for controlling the substation. If any fault occurs in
the substation then first the message reach to the substation and Engineers who
are present there immediately fix the problem. Some problems can fix from the
control room where for fixing some problem it is necessary to go to the
substation. From substation control room how much electricity will deliver to
which area is also controlled. How much electricity is given to the national
grid is observed and for that proper frequency, voltage and current are
maintained from the control room of substation.

Figure-4.9: Control room of
substation in APSCL
3.7. Battery and Battery charger room
Battery is the most important source
in the grid station. It is the heart of the station because most the equipment is
run on DC power. Battery is the only back up source of DC supply. Without DC
power supply, the grid is unprotected, because security lighting, fire alarm
circuit, breaker control circuit, heating equipment and relay get energized by the
DC supply. In the APSCL they have a battery charger room and there were 120
nickel cadmium battery cell. Those batteries are purchased from Rahimafrooz
Batteries Ltd.
3.8. Transmission Line
line is needed for transmit the electricity that produced from the plat. In
APSCL after producing the electricity it is given to the transmission line for
3.9. Bus Bar
Bus bar is used to carry a very large
current or to distribute current to multiple devices within switchgear or
equipment. There are several types of bus bar like single bus bar, double bus
bar, double bus bar with reserved bus bar, ring bus bar etc. APSCL used double
bus bar. Because, APSCL is a generation company, it generates power and distributes
to the grid. If any generator need power for starting then it collect the power
from the grid by bus bar.
3.10. Single line Diagram of Substation
Single hand diagram of a substation is the sketch of total
substation that denotes how equipments are arranged in the field. It is helpful
for understand the total system because it’s gives a total overview about the
system. The single hand diagram of APSCL substation is given below-

Figure 4.10: Single line diagram of APSCL substation
In the substation of APSCL, first
from generator (that dose generates 15.6 kv) line goes to CT. After CT,
Lighting Arrester, Wave Trap, Line Isolator, PT, CT, CB, Line Isolator is
connected. Then it goes to the Main Bus.
= Current Transformer
= Potential Transformer
= Circuit Breaker
4. Future Plan of APSCL
APSCL is currently constructing a 50 MW gas engine
power plant. In addition replacement program is also taken for outlived plants.
Under this program gas unit 1 and 2 will be replaced by a new 450 MW higher
efficient combined cycle power plant and APSCL have a plan to construct gas
base 1510 MW CCPP within APSCL’s premises in place of GT-1, GT-2 and ST.
Moreover, after re-powering unit 3, 4, 5 by installing 3 GT units about 100 MW
will increases and thus total station capacity will rise to 1050 MW by 2013.
The details future development plan is given below in
a table [4] –
Sl. No.
MW increases
Over present
Source of Finance
Turbine blade of Unit-3 change
in this year,
after end of this
work 45 MW generation will increases.
June 2011
APSCL own Finance
Rehabilitation and
modernization of unit-3, 4 & 5
for reliable power generation
150 MW each unit for net
15 years.
Finance by KfW & DRGA
50 MW gas engine power plant.
APSCL own finance
1.0 Mw solar panel installation
APSCL own finance
150 Mw combined cycle power plant (replacement
Looking for Finance
450 MW combined cycle power plant (replacement project)
Looking for Finance
To re-powered unit – 3, 4 & 5 by installing
three GT units about
total100 MW capacities.
Looking for Finance
Total Increase
5.1: Future development plan
of APSCL [4]
5. Conclusion
Although production of power is
insufficient compare to demand but the good thing is that supply of power in
national grid is rapidly increasing now-a-days. No doubt that the power sector
of Bangladesh has to go for a long way in future. For achieving the target
government has taken some initiatives to increase the generation of
electricity. As power sector is a capital-intensive industry, huge investment
will be required for addition generation capacity. Public sector is not in a
position to secure this huge investment for power generation. Recognizing these
trends, Government of Bangladesh modified its industrial policy to enable
private investment in the power sector. Already, some private company comes in
power sector like Summit Power, Atobi. Recently near about 800 MW of
electricity is coming from rental Power Company although it is very much
APSCL is playing an important role in
producing power for the nation and thus contributing to the country’s economy.
We are glad that we got a chance to compete our internship program in APSCL;
which is the second largest power company in Bangladesh. We believe that, the
practical experience that we gathered in APSCL will help us in our professional
6. Reference
Source: 4’Th August, 2011. Website of BPDB.
5125 MW of power is supplied in 4.00 A.M. when maximum industries, shopping
mall and offices keep close. When all of them become open then the demand will
rise near about 8000 MW.
APSCL Annual Report 2010
[6]. British
Electricity International (1991). Modern
Power Station Practice: incorporating modern power system practice (3rd
Edition (12 volume set) Ed.). Pergamon. ISBN 0-08-040510-X.
[7]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbine
[8]. Babcock & Wilcox Co. (2005). Steam: It’s Generation and Use (41st
edition Ed.). ISBN 09634570-0-4.
[9]. http://www.iea.lth.se/publications/MS Theses/Full%20
document/5223 100%25 stator ground
fault protection. Pdf
[14]. www.handscrafts.com
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